Gesture Guide

Website // App

As an integral part of language, gestures belong to every human nature. Besides verbal communication, there’s a huge diversity of gestures and their translations as well. According to region or nation, they have completely different or even opposite meanings. This could cause misunderstandings or unpleasant situations. In Europe alone, the diversity of gestures is huge! So there are a million different translators for spoken language, but not even one for nonverbal communication?! That had to be changed! To better understand the nonverbal communication of other countries and to enlighten the variety of gestures, the first of its kind translator for international gestures was created. Have fun trying out!

ADC Silber Nagel

ADC Talent Award 2021



Annual Multimedia Award 2022

Digital Talents Award

- 2021 -

gesture guide

Website// app

As an integral part of language, gestures belong to every human nature. Besides verbal communication, there’s a huge diversity of gestures and their translations as well. According to region or nation, they have completely different or even opposite meanings. This could cause misunderstandings or unpleasant situations. In Europe alone, the diversity of gestures is huge! So there are a million different translators for spoken language, but not even one for nonverbal communication?! That had to be changed! To better understand the nonverbal communication of other countries and to enlighten the variety of gestures, the first of its kind translator for international gestures was created. Have fun trying out. (Mobile version in progress)

gesture guide cover
ADC Silber Nagel

ADC Talent Award 2021



Annual Multimedia Award 2022

Digital Talents Award

- 2021 -