WW MAgazine

Editorial Design

„WW Magazine“ is a small gift to everyone, who grew up and lives in the Westwoods. It’s intended to encourage locals to explore their own home more closely. Because I grew up there, this project is very close to my heart and I loved creating the content for it – especially finding beautiful and exciting photo spots. So my focus in this magazine, besides the content, was mainly on experimenting with typography and landscape photography.

- 2017//2018 -

WW Magazine

editorial Design

„WW Magazine“ is a small gift to everyone, who grew up and lives in the Westwoods. It’s intended to encourage locals to explore their own home more closely. Because I grew up there, this project is very close to my heart and I loved creating the content for it – especially finding beautiful and exciting photo spots. So my focus in this magazine, besides the content, was mainly on experimenting with typography and landscape photography.


- 2017//2018 -
